Savor Intentional Living with Sacred Space, Margin, Soul Nourishing Practices, Sabbath Rest, and Joy!

Warmest Greetings!  Your invitation to Savor Intentional Living © Soul Care Mentoring Experience, is an intentional investment and guided integrative journey  toward both identifying your deepest longings beneath desires, deepening intimacy with God, and arranging your life with soul nourishing practices, margin, sustainable soul rest, fun, and sacred space for the sake of others. 

Through individual and or group teaching sessions and/or personal one-on-ones with Heather, as well as a potential small cohort accountability and conversation experiences, you will travel and design your life as if it were a Vineyard, assessing, identifying, and implementing soul nourishing practices and rituals that foster an environment for margin and awareness of God in the present moment cultivating intimacy and spiritual rest.  

Why the experience?  Having intentionally set aside three years myself for One year of Sabbath with mentoring, and Two-Year Spiritual Transformation Cohort with Quarterly Retreats with silence and solitude at friary with spiritual direction, and Post-Master’s Certification in Spiritual Transformation, this is an opportunity to mentor others with soul nourishing practices, learn margin, and live from their truest transforming selves clothed in Christ for the sake of others through a growing awareness of the soul’s deepest longings and cultivating awareness and intimacy with God.  We were made for relationships; this one is intentional investment trained coach for your soul that affects the entirety of your life.

The ministry of the Intrinsic Beauty Ministries, Inc. is grounded in Scripture and Biblical theology, honoring the Trinitarian approach to the spiritual life loving God, others, and self.  Intrinsic Beauty Ministries affirms the Apostles’ Creed as our statement of faith, practices are rooted in ancient Hebraic and Judaic practices in Scripture.  The year will be intentionally Biblical in grounding, drawing our understanding of God and his ways from Scripture and embracing the mystery of God through his transformative process that brings us into union God through the Holy Spirit to conform us into the likeness of his son, living full of grace and love.  Intentionally Trinitarian in theology,  paying attention to how God the Father is actively shaping ones life through the Holy Spirit in ways that through transformation reflect more of the image of Christ for the sake of others.  Intentionally contemplative in style  Characterized by an attentive resting in Christ’s presence in mentoring, companioning, and direction times, noticing the movement and activity of the Holy Spirit and best lived in community, sharing from the reservoir of rhythms of listening prayer.

In this threefold context, we grow from the wisdom and experience of the church, through Scripture, classics of spiritual formation, and through spiritual practices from Christian Scripture and history with roots in Judaism.


About Heather:  Formal Education: M.A. Biblical Literature, with Languages (2000), MA Certification in Spiritual Transformation (2018), B.A Church Ministries with Associates in Bible, Business, Communicate Arts- English, and Social Science (1994) Fashion Merchandising & Business (1988-1992)

Certifications/Licenses: Alumnus of The Transforming Center Leadership Cohort with Ruth Haley Barton (2016-2018), Alumnus of Leadership Investment Intensive Cohort and Individual Mentoring (2014), Ordained Clergy (2003), Women’s Ministry Leadership Certification (1995), Licensed Clergy (1994)

Experience: Over 25 years in pastoring and pastoral counseling, mentoring, teaching undergraduate facilitated theology discussions, missions, and New Testament, retreat ministry, women’s ministry coordination, group facilitations, and speaking, a mother of three, one with special needs.

Other amazing women have journeyed with Heather and we are receiving sincere feedback . Here are a few comments from Intentional Encounter 2014:

“Heather is an all-around true leader. I have seen her time and time again prove her extraordinary drive for results, leadership capabilities and ministerial competence. Specifically, I have seen her handle complex discussions about interpretation of scripture in a manner that carries people along and fosters agreeability. Her church, and indeed the many people she has mentored, value her character and strong background in theology. She does not, however, wear this as a badge of honor. She is a teacher who is always ready to help others develop in Christ. She embraces responsibility and manages herself and others with the utmost professionality.”

“Heather has extremely deft people skills. Specifically, I have watched Heather interact effortlessly with people across all walks of life. She nurtures these relationships and is very caring… Heather definitely embodies the level of uncommon cross-cultural competence.”

Mentoring is like a warm cup of intentional conversation for your soul, not necessarily like your best friend relationship, but an opportunity of influence in the journey with Christ.  It is also not true that your mentor should be stronger than all of your strengths and strong in all of your weaknesses, Christ is in the mentor relationship.  A mentor is also not in a parental role in this context; it’s more like having a personal companioning coach who listens through prayer for guidance in asking revealing questions for you to take to listening prayer with God and journal.

The next Savoring Intentional Living, Soul Care Mentoring Experience will launch January 2019 for millennials, mothers, marketplace and ministry leaders, and understanding of the challenges of special needs mothers too.

  • Monthly Soul Care Mentoring and Life Integration Consulting, one-on-one, 50-minute mentoring with Heather virtually on Tuesdays or Thursdays, or locally for “Warm Cups of Intentional Conversation”. A reflective form will be provided, to be submitted prior to each session, options of once or twice a month.
  • A monthly, real-time, one hour group teaching session with Heather, locally or via held Tuesday evenings (recorded for those unable to attend or who simply want to listen again).
  • A weekly integrative and progressive and integrative e-journey, Savoring Intentional Living, with incremental steps of evaluating the foundation, pillars, soul nourishing practices, and intentional roles for creating margin and intentional sacred space to flourish for the sake of others, with an analogy of a Vineyard, written by Heather, with reflective questions delivered to your inbox (15-20 minutes daily or a 1 hour block weekly to complete the exercises) that offer the opportunity to journal God’s work in the process of assessing, identifying, arranging, and implementing soul nourishing practices for a well-ordered life for the sake of others.
  • The reading of one selected and integrative book per month with another optional title for a deeper experience.
  • A prayerfully selected bookmark for your experience
  • Weekly Facebook interaction with your possible cohort of women
  • A facilitated written guide for your own soul rest retreat.
  • A possible optional, end of the year guided prayer retreat to reflect with your Mentoring cohort on your shared experience

“A well-ordered and well-lived life emerges from a well-nurtured soul, this is a sacred way of living  benefitting others; where the sacred is seen in the ordinary dailies and joy is radiated.  An internal unhurried peaceful and patient pace emerges from a soul daily resting in moments of solitude of connecting to God, the way of living loved, and then choosing to see through eyes of gratitude, it becomes a kind and gentle gift to others, and one unknowingly becomes a reservoir.  This is living intrinsic beauty and savoring an intentional life, this is living full of grace” – Heather Rogero

You are invited to join me on this way of sacred living through the 2019 Mentoring Encounter.

Contact us for an application:

Interested in



Or Donate for the Cause:  Provide Mentoring for Others.

Intrinsic Beauty Ministries, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit.

All donations are tax-deductible.  Use this link through Network For Good and Guide Star: 

Or you can also donate via check, electronic bill-payauto-debitasset donation, stock donation and/or Shop on Amazon Smile and designate Intrinsic Beauty Ministries, Inc.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to set up your investment in Intrinsic Beauty Ministries, Inc.


Looking forward to connecting with you and mentoring through a guided incremental process of discovery and arranging life intentionally!

Rev. Heather D. Rogero, MA
Founder, Intrinsic Beauty, Inc.
Ordained Clergy – Post Master’s Certification in Spiritual Transformation